Led By: Jim Laub
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The Property Committee is responsible for the care and maintenance of the church properties. The Committee will have 7 to 10 members with no designated terms. Committee members will select a chairperson annually and the chairperson can serve a maximum of 2 consecutive annual terms. The sexton will be a member of the committee. The Committee will make annual (or more frequent if necessary) inspection of the Church properties and make recommendations to the Church Board on needed repairs, maintenance, and improvements. They will secure and nominate contractors for hire to the Church Board when services are needed, secure and nominate contractors on annual retainers to perform specific service calls of equipment (furnace, HVAC, etc.), maintain a charge account at Weaver’s Hardware for small purchases, maintain an inventory of Church property and equipment including a preventive maintenance schedule with associated costs, maintain a list of church members with general and/or specific maintenance skills and talents, make small repairs and purchases less than $500, secure 3 responsive bids for repairs and/or services in excess of $500, and keep a Church maintenance log and review maintenance request forms.